How to Upgrade the Firmware by u-boot webUI (OYE MTK7620A)

By | June 30, 2017


Firmware Upgrading Instructions by MTK7620A (OYE), Download firmware to be upgraded from Here and follow steps below.

1) Connect only one ethernet cable to your router of LAN port, and remove the other LAN port unconnected.

2) Press and Hold the “SMART” button firmly; then power on your device. (Obey the first and then procedure)

3) The LEDs will start to blink, it will be enter U-boot mode.

4) Release your fingers when you see the LEDs flash of LAN.

5) Set a static IP on your computer and use the following to set up your TCP/IP settings:
IP address: 192.168.8.x (“xxx” range from 2 to 254)
Subnet mask:


6) Open Firefox or Chrome or IE to visit

7) Find your firmware and upload, load the firmware that you specify.

U-Boot OYE

8) The process takes about 3 to 4 minutes. Don’t power off your device while upgrading.


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